heinz rolefs
Geboren: 16.09.1953
Wohnhaft: Seit 1975 in Hamburg
Auszug Vita: 1970 - 1973 Studium der Malerei
1983 - 1987 Lehrer an der Malermeisterfachschule Buxtehude
Seit 1987 freier Künstler
Homepage: www.heinz-rolefs.de
Werke: Hier stöbern!
Improvisation - that's what Heinz Rolefs calls his art.
As a former jazz guitarist he often compares his painting with music:
He balances between the painting and spontaneous expressiveness in the music. Every stroke, every note must be felt.
Heinz Rolefs paints in oil. Oil paint is the best medium for his lightpainting.
Heinz Rolefs is 16.04.1953 born in Münster, attended the Münster art school and came to Hamburg in 1975.
He grew up with classic modernism and its progressive abstraction. In addition, he studied pleinair painting of the
19th century.
"To paint a landscape, you have to know the landscape. I do know my home landscape and I paint the landscape."
Gustave Coubets
This sentence by Gustave Courbet is the basis for the painterly capture of the urban landscape of Hamburg by
Heinz Rolefs. “I kept painting and drawing this city. I know her light their flat spatiality - the wide and the close glimpses,
”he says about the city, that inspires him again and again. Surprisingly multicolored and bright, transferred in a variety
of colors the atmosphere of Hamburg in his pictures. The urban character is not in the foreground, the shrill,
fast is avoided, rather it is about capturing the aesthetic stimuli and the landscape character of the Hanseatic city.
Rolefs doesn't want to paint them realistic and detailed like a vedute, because he doesn't paint what he knows, but
what he sees. Different perspectives on a motif become one Image summarized. The staggered surfaces convey
differentiated lighting effects. Color and Melt light - Hamburg Shines in this positive mood.
Heinz Rolefs has always been an artist - painter and musician.
"Oil painting, watercolor, drawing, digital painting and jazz guitar are my meansof expression. In painting, I explore realism
on the edge of abstraction. The starting points of these artistic journeys are always experiences of nature, environmental
experiences, landscapes and people - color, light and space ".
"As an artist, I am looking for the special state in
which it paints itself. It doesn't happen that often and it can go wrong. This particular friction with the unknown
is my way to good pictures ". Heinz Rolefs